How to Teach a Child to Swim: 5 Tips and for Success

With summer fast approaching, many families are excited to spend time at the pool. Knowing how to swim is an important life skill and can make it easier for children to have fun and feel safe. We have compiled these five tips and tricks for teaching your child to swim. Keep in mind that a child should never be thrown into the water and “forced to learn.” That is an outdated, dangerous method and can put the child at risk for drowning. Enlist the help of a reputable instructor or swimming program that can teach the skills properly. You can then take the skills you and your child have learned and build on them each time you are in the water together.

Patience is Key

As with other motor skills, learning how to swim does not come with being told or shown once or twice, but is a skill that is learned through consistent practice over time. Be patient and help your child practice the same methods repeatedly. Explain that they should be patient and not expect to do everything perfectly the first time. Patience and repetition will help swimming become second nature. Take your time, and give your child time to learn at their own pace so they become comfortable in the water and have fun with you while they learn.

Bring a Friend

If your child has a friend who also needs to learn to swim, that is even better! The two can learn these skills together, give each other advice as they learn, and encourage one another as they go. Learning alongside a peer can be a rewarding and positive experience.

Make it Fun

Learning to swim does not have to be a boring activity. Your child should not feel that learning to swim is too much work or they will not feel encouraged to continue and will not enjoy being in the water. Incorporate swimming toys, floats, pool noodles, and other swimming items in the learning process so that your child stays engaged and excited about learning.

Have Snacks Ready

Swimming is serious exercise and can take a toll on even the most energetic child. A hungry kid can be a cranky kid who does NOT want to learn and may give up quickly. Pack healthy snacks for improving focus and energy. Granola bars, fruit, vegetables, yogurt, trail mix, sandwiches, and other high protein snacks can keep energy levels and spirits high.

The More Time, The Better

The more time you spend in the water, the more comfortable you and your child will become.  Daily swimming is the best way to learn. If you cannot spend every day in the water, four to five times a week is good, and one to three times a week is better than nothing. The more practice your child has, the more quickly their skills will improve, and the more excited and confident they will be about getting in the water for fun.

How to Teach a Child to Swim: 5 Tips and Tricks for Success

Be patient with your child and teach them to respect the water and follow all safety guidelines when near a pool or outdoor body of water. Keep in mind that you must always supervise your child no matter how strong a swimmer they are. It is also a good idea to take CPR and First Aid classes before venturing into the water with your child. Having the knowledge and skills to assist your child can improve your time in the water and make sure you both have fun.

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